Wednesday 5 November 2014


Microorganisms are organisms in microscopic size, which means they are less likely to be visible to the naked eye unless aided by a microscope.Therefore, in order to study these amazing life forms, we need to first understand and master the way to operate a microscope.The development of microscope started back in 14th century and until today, there are various type of microscopes available for researchers all around the world, ranging from a simple optical microscope to a super-resolved fluorescence microscope. Despite the major development of microscope, light microscope is still the best choice of microscope for viewing microorganisms.

The parts of light microscope
The figure below showed several parts of a typical light microscope.

(Figure 1.1 Major Parts of a Light Microscope)

The light microscope uses white light to illuminate the specimen. Thus, the illuminating process requires a strong source of white light which is generated by the light bulb installed in the base of the microscope. When the light bulb is turned on, it produces white light which will travel through the condenser before hitting the specimen. The position of the condenser stage can be adjusted using the condenser focusing knob to ensure that the light is well-condensed and highly focused before it exits the condenser to give the best illumination of the specimen. 
The diaphragm or also known as condenser diaphragm is used to adjust the amount of light entering the condenser. You should be able to find a lever on the side of the condenser and by turning it, you should be able to adjust the size of the opening at the center of the diaphragm until only the right amount of light enters the objective lenses. This is important as objective lenses with high magnification (e.g. 100x objective) will need intensive light unlike other objective lenses with lower magnifying power. Insufficient light will cause the image to be dimmed and blurred.
Next will be the stage, where our slides of specimen will be settled down. On the stage, there is a small size metal clip, known as stage clips used to hold the slides in place. After setting the slide properly, you may adjust the stage left and right so that the spot where the specimen is located and be shifted into the path of light by using the mechanical stage knob.
The course and fine focus knobs will be the ones controlling the distance of the stage from the objective lenses. Initially, it will be more convenient to rotate the course focus knob as this allows the stage to be raised faster. You should adjust the stage until you can see the figure of the specimen, then only enhance the quality of image by adjusting the fine focus knob. While you are looking through the microscope, you should always use the fine focusing knob only for adjustment purposes as adjusting by using the course focus knob will most likely make you lose sight of the whole image.
In order to produce a magnified primary image, the objective lens focuses the light which passed through the specimen. A typical microscope usually has four objectives with different magnifications (4x, 10x, 40x and 100x) attached to the revolving nosepiece. By rotating the revolving nosepiece, you should be able to change the objectives to the one with desired magnification power into the light path to increase or decrease the magnification.

Last but not least, the eyepiece is where the light ray exits the microscope, you will be able to see the magnified image from the eyepiece provided all the adjustment are accurate to produce a sharp image. The eyepiece will collect the light from the objectives and refocus it again. A typical microscope’s eyepiece has a magnification power of 10x by its own, thus further magnifying the image from the objectives, producing the final image will be seen by the users of the microscope.  

Magnification and resolution
Magnification is simply the number of times an image's size is enlarged where size is measured in the degrees of an angle formed by lines running from either end of the image to the vertex at the observer's eye. By multiplying the power of the objective lens with the power of the eyepiece lens, the total magnification of the image seen can be calculated. There are four magnifications in the microscope used:
4x objective X 10x eyepiece = 40x magnification
10x objective X 10x eyepiece = 100x magnification
40x objective X 10x eyepiece = 400x magnification
100x objective X 10x eyepiece = 1000x magnification
The resolution or resolving power of a microscope is defined as the the smallest distance between two points on a specimen that can still be distinguished as two separate entities. It is the most important determinant of how well a microscope will perform and is determined by the numerical aperture and light wavelength. One of the factors that affect resolution is by adjusting the condenser diaphragm. By closing the diaphragm, contrast of image is increased but the resolution is decreased while by opening the diaphragm, contrast is decreased but resolution is increased.
            Both magnification and resolution are equally important. The image can be magnified through magnification. However, a blurred image will be seen unless the resolution is excellent. On the other hand, an excellent resolution can be obtained, but no detail will be seen through the microscope without having good magnification.

1.)    To acquire and improve the skills on using a simple bright-field microscope in proper way
2.)    To understand the basic concept of magnification and resolution of a microscope and its importance
3.)    To gain the knowledge about the way to take care a microscope correctly after use

Material and reagents
Microscope slide and cover-slip


Setting up:
1.)   Sit on stool with both knee under the bench and the microscope is moved so that both eyepieces can be looked through without straining. Make sure the posture of sitting is comfortable enough to carry on the experiment.
2.)  The microscope light is being turned on by using the main on-off switch after plugging in the power lead of the microscope and turning on the power.
3.)  The light intensity is adjusted using the brightness control. Position 5 is normally adequate.
4.)  The revolving nosepiece is rotated in order to bring the 4x objective lens into the light path.
5.)  A clean slide is taken. A line is being marked on the slide by using a marker pen. The slide is then placed on the stage by using the spring clip to secure it. The slide is moved into the light path using the coaxial stage and control knobs.
6.)  Both eyepieces is looked through and they are being adjusted until a single circle of light can be seen. A note in class manual of the setting on the interpupillary distance scale is made for future reference.
7.)  The tube length adjustment (diopter) ring on the right eyepiece is rotated to match the interpupillary distance setting obtained in 1.6.
8.)  The marker-pen mark is focused by adjusting the coarse and fine adjustment knobs using the right eye only.
9.)  The left eyepiece is focused by the tube lens adjustment (diopter) ring using the left eye only. Again for future, a note in class manual of the diopter ring setting is made. A perfect binocular vision would be obtained now.

Low power (10x) objective viewing:
1.)  A marker pen marked slide is replaced with a specimen slide.
2.)  The specimen is focused using fine adjustment knob and the stage is moved in order to obtain a view of the specimen. Watching from the side of the microscope, it changes to 10x objective.
3.)  The condenser is focused by placing an object, such as an inoculating loop or pencil tip, in the centre of the glass above the light source. The condenser light is adjusted so that the object is in focus.
4.)  The condenser is then lowered just sufficiently to throw the object out of the focus.
5.)  To optimize image definition and contrast, one eyepiece is removed, the empty tube is looked down and the condenser diaphragm is adjusted so that its edge can just be seen inside the circle of light. For specimen of poor contrast, a better image may be obtained by reducing the aperture further. The eyepiece is replaced and is re-focused using fine adjustment.

High power (40x) objective viewing: 
1.) The specimen is been focused on with the 10x objective. The power of objective is changed to 40x by watching the microscope from the side.
2.) The condenser is raised to within 1 cm of the slide.
3.) The specimen is been focused using fine focus knob.
4.) The condenser diaphragm is adjusted for optimum contrast as above.

Oil immersion (100x) objective viewing:
1.) The specimen is focused on with the 40x objective. The objective with 100x power (oil immersion) is 
      selected while watching the microscope from the side. The objective is prevented from touching the slide.
2.) One or two drops of oil are  placed onto the slide after the objective is turned to one side of the light 
     path. The objective is rotated to be in the light path.
3.) The condenser is raised as close as to the slide as possible.
4.) The fine focus knob is adjusted to focus on the specimen.
5.) The condenser diaphragm is adjusted for optimum contrast as above.

After use:
1.) The specimen slide is removed and discarded into the appropriate discard container.
2.) The light brightness control is reset to its lowest setting.
3.) The lowest power objective is reset to the working position.
4.) The oil from 100x objective is cleaned using lens tissue.
5.) The light source of the microscope is turned off at the on-off switch and the power is turned off at the power point. The cord is disconnected and wrapped around the base of the microscope.
6.) The cover is replaced.

Care of the microscope:
Microscopes in general are precision pieces of equipment and should be well maintained, and cared for right from the beginning. It is a delicate and expensive instrument. Proper care and maintenance of microscope will ensure this equipment will provide years of usage as well as pinpoint and accurate information.

1.) Hold the microscope firmly by the base and the metal support arm when carrying the microscope. Avoid picking the microscope up by the stage, as this can cause misalignment. Always keep the instrument upright.
2.) The microscope should never be placed near to the edge of the table. It should always be placed 6-inch away from the edge of the table.
3.) If the microscope does not seem to be functioning properly, do not try to tamper with, remove any parts or fix it. Seek help from the lab assistant.
4.) Do not handle the lenses with your fingers as microscope lenses can easily be scratched and should be treated with great care. Use only specified lens tissues moistened with distilled water or lens cleaning solution and rubbed gently using a circular motion for cleaning lenses.
5.) Do not allow liquids, particularly acid and alcohol, to come into contact with any part of the microscope.
6.) Always lower the stage before placing or removing a slide.
7.) Always put the lowest power objective to the working position and replace the cover before putting the microscope away to avoid dust and debris accumulation.

1.2 Examination of cells


            Bacteria are very minute organisms under the Kingdom Prokaryote. Since their sizes are very minute and invisible to naked eye, so they can only be observed through a very high power lens in a microscope. Bacteria can be pathogenic and therefore aseptic technique has to be practiced to ensure the safety in workplace.
            Bacteria can be motile or immotile and can exist in any shape or sizes. However, standard preparation method such as staining can distort or even destroy the cells. Therefore, in order to study the bacteria in its natural state, we have to use wet mount technique.


1.) To learn the proper technique in preparing wet mount

2.) To practise the accurate aseptic technique

Materials and Reagents

Lactobacillus sp. culture
Immersion oil
Lens tissue
Inoculating loop
Bunsen burner
Slide and coverslip


1.) The laboratory table is sterilized with lysol and alcohol solution.
2.) The Bunsen burner is turned on.
3.) The inoculating loop is then sterilized by placing it at the hottest part of the flame until it is glowing red.
4.) The cap of bottle which contains the cell culture is sterilized by swirling it three times back and forth at the flame.
5.) The cap of bottle is opened with one hand near the flame.
6.) The mouth of the bottle is then sterilized by swirling it three times back and forth at the flame again.
7.)  By using the sterilized inoculating loop, the cell culture is picked up and transferred onto a microscope slide.
8.) The inoculating loop and the mouth of the bottle are then sterilized again.
9.)  The one edge of the coverslip is placed onto the slide and lowered gently so that the drop of culture is covered. The culture is spread between the coverslip and the slide.
10) The cells are observed using oil immersion lens. The condenser and diaphragm are adjusted. Anything interesting is drawn.


The sample specimen of bacteria types: Lactobacillus sp.
Colour: Transparent white
Shape: Rod-shaped
Lactobacillus sp. under microscope at 100x objective viewing with oil immersion


Lactobacillus sp. is a genus of Gram positive rod-shaped bacteria (bacillus). In this 100x objective viewing micrograph, the bacteria appeared to be translucent because it was not stained. Lactobacillus sp. is well-known because of its major use in food and beverage industry. These bacteria are able to metabolize glucose and excrete lactic acid as its by-product. This genus comprises more than 180 species and some of the most common species are Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus brevis. In human, this bacterium can be found in mucosal membrane such as gastrointestinal tract. There it serves as a beneficial flora that inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria by creating an acidic condition in the membrane. In food industry, Lactobacillus sp. is often used not only in the production of fermented dairy product such as yoghurt and cheese, they are also used in non-dairy product such as sauerkraut. In some traditional food like kumiss, Lactobacillus has known to suppress the pathogenic bacteria in the foodstuff. Besides in food industry, Lactobacillus sp. is also used in therapeutic purposes such as treating diarrhea in children. Some strains are even shown to have anti-tumor and anti-cancer in experiment.


With a very high power objective lens (100x) under oil immersion, the minute bacteria can be seen clearly. With wet mount observer can see the bacteria in its natural state (unstained and untreated). Proper aseptic technique is important because some of the pathogenic agents can cause serious illness or death if they are not being handled properly.

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing. Thank you so much for freely sharing all your hard work! We are going to definitely use a lot of this!

    magnifying glass
