Monday 17 November 2014


2.1 Ocular Micrometer
Ocular micrometer is a glass disk that fits in a microscope eyepiece and that has a ruled scale. In some microscopes, the ocular has to be disassembled so that the disk can be placed on a shelf in the ocular tube between the two lenses. However, in most of the microscopes, the ocular micrometer is simply inserted into the bottom of the ocular.  Before an ocular micrometer can be used, it is necessary to calibrate it for each of the objectives by using a stage micrometer. The physical length of the marks on the scale depends on the degree of magnification. When calibrated with a stage micrometer, direct measurements of a microscopic object can be made. To conclude it, ocular micrometer can be used to measure the size of magnified object. It can also be used to compare the size of prokaryotic and even eukaryotic microorganisms. When the ocular micrometer is placed in the eyepiece, the line superimposed certain distance markers on the microscope field. The distance between the lines of an ocular micrometer is an arbitrary measurement that only has meaning if the ocular micrometer is calibrated for the objective being used.  A stage micrometer, also known as an objective micrometer, has scribed lines on it that are exactly 0.01mm (10 micrometers) apart. The exact distance between each ocular division  measures on the microscopic field can be calculated by determining how many units of the ocular micrometer superimpose a certain distance on the stage micrometer. The calibration is important in order to obtain the measurement with  more accurate and precise. In addition, It is important to know that the system should be recalibrated when the objective lens is changed. After calibration of the ocular micrometer, the stage micrometer is replaced with a slide containing microorganism. The dimension of the microorganism used, including length and width will be determined based on the calibration of system done before.

1.)   To learn the proper way of measuring and counting cells using a microscope

2.)   To learn the technique in calibration of the ocular micrometer

Materials and Reagents
Microscope fitted with an ocular micrometer
Slide micrometer
Stained preparation of yeast and bacteria

1.)   The stage micrometer is placed on the stage
2.)   The microscope is focused using the lowest power objective until the image on the stage micrometer is observed superimposed on the eyepiece scale.
3.)   The amount of the divisions of the eyepiece scale corresponding top a definite number of divisions on the stage scale is determined.
4.)   The measurement of an eyepiece division in micrometer is calculated.
5.)   The process is repeated by using the high-power and oil immersion objective.
6.)   An example is shown as below:-
Each division of the stage micrometer = 10 µm.
If 100 eyepiece divisions = 11 stage division = 110 µm,
then :
            1 eyepiece division = 110/100 = 1.1 µm

7. The diameter of the field for each objective is calculated and recorded for further reference.
8. The average dimensions of a sample of yeast cells is determined and the process is repeated using a sample of bacterial cells.
Ocular Micrometer

Stage Micrometer

Stage Micrometer

The figures below shows the calibration and the calculation of the measurement of the samples. First image shows the superimposed image of the ocular micrometer and the stage micrometer.
The ratio of the two micrometers are evaluate by simple calculation:
Taking point A as 7.8 units and point B as 11.6 unit sin the scale of ocular micrometer, we are able to conclude that:
10 division in the stage micrometer (equivalent to 0.1 mm) = (11.6-7.8) = 3.8

After getting the ratio of the scale of ocular micrometer to the scale of the stage micrometer. We are now done with the calibration part and will begin our measuring procedure for the specimens.
5 specimens which are closer to the ocular scale are chosen due to the reason of accuracy of the readings.

The calculation are carried out by using the ratio of 0.1 mm is to 3.8 units to calculate the real measurement of these samples. The average reading will be calculate and taken as the final result.

The average =  The total of stage measurement / the total number of specimen

                    = 394.74 / 2  
        =   78.948
                    = ( two decimal places )78.95µm

2.2 Neubauer Hemocytometer Chamber
For microbiology, cell culture, and many applications that require use of suspensions of cells, cell concentration is necessary to be determined and identified. One can often determine cell density of a suspension spectrophotometrically, however that form of determination does not allow an assessment of cell viability, nor can one distinguish cell types.
Counting chamber is a device used for determining the number of cells per unit volume of a suspension. The most widely used type of chamber is called a hemocytometer, since it was originally designed for performing blood cell counts. The hemocytometer was invented by Louis-Charles Malassez and consists of a thick glass microscope slide with a rectangular indentation that creates a chamber. This chamber is engraved with a laser-etched grid of perpendicular lines. The device is carefully crafted so that the area bounded by the lines is known, and the depth of the chamber is also known. It is therefore possible to count the number of cells or particles in a specific volume of fluid, and thereby calculate the concentration of cells in the fluid overall.

Neubauer hemocytometer chamber

Materials and Reagents
Yeast culture
Neubauer and coverslip
Sterile dropper

1.     The empty neubauer hemocytometer chamber is observed under the microscope with 40x objective lens.
2.     The coverslip is placed on the H-shaped trough.
3.     By using the sterile dropper, the yeast culture is transferred into the trough of the empty neubauer hemocytometer carefully to avoid the formation of air bubbles.
4.     The neubauer with the yeast culture is observed under the microscope again with the same magnification.
5.     The number of yeast cells in the 16 randomly chosen squares are recorded.

1.     The large middle square of the neubauer hemocytometer is chosen.
2.     The 16 smaller squares are randomly chosen from the large square.
3.     The number of yeast cells is counted from the 16 small squares.
4.     The average number of yeast cells per small squares is calculated (Only the cells inside a square and the cells that touch the upper and left grids are counted.  For example, there are 7 yeast cells counted in a small square with red grids on the top and left in the diagram below.)

5.     The volume confined in a small square is calculated.
6.     The cell concentration per ml is calculated using the average number of yeast cells and the volume confined in a small square.

1.     Data of number of yeast cells in the 16 small squares:
Total = 174 cells
Average/ Mean = 174/16 = 10.875 cells per small square
2.     Length of small square = 0.05 mm
            Depth of the small square = 0.1 mm
            Volume confined of a small square = 0.05 x 0.05 x 0.1= 2.5 x 10-4 mm3
3.     Average number of yeast cells in 16 squares per volume confined of the square = 10.875 / 2.5 x 10-4 mm3 =  43500 cells/ mm3
4.     Number of cells in 1 cm3 of yeast culture = 43500 / (0.1)3
                                                                  = 43500000 cells/ cm3
5.     Since 1 ml = 1cm3,
 number of cells in 1ml yeast culture =  43500000 cells/ ml

With ocular micrometer, we are able to measure the size of the specimen more precisely. With the nuebauer hemocytometer chamber, we are able to count the number of cells more accurately and are able to determine the cell concentration in a culture.


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